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Thursday, December 11, 2008 . 12:14 PM

1) My friends; are always by my side (:
2) I’m listening to; TiAmo
3) Maybe i should learn; to see things clearly.
4) I love; my family & friends!
5) My plan; to to reach my goal.
6) I don’t understand; my real character n personality
7) I lost; half of what belongs to me initially
8) People say; i'm hard to get along with):
9) I'm missing; those few…
10) Love means; happiness, worry, pain. Sadness and a lot more…
11) Somewhere, someone is; sad.
12) I'm always searching for; the light, leading me..
13) Forever seems; unrealistic at times.
14) I do not want to; show that side of me.
15) My mobile phone; crazy nowadays.. always auto shut down! ><
16) When i wake up in the morning; I’m always sad.
17) I get annoyed when; my wound is open again…
18) Parties are; not wad I like.
*POOF!*, 19 went.
20) Today i; just finished 1 storybook again. xD
21) Tmr i will be; going to sch for meeting
22) I really want; to get control in some stuffs
23) I miss; my grandfather T_T forever my support..
24) What is your phone brand?; sony ericsson.
25) What's the last 3 digits of your num.?; 334
26) What does the second message in your inbox say?; icic.. why??. Hahax.. I also.. long time never do such things.. sian also. =X.. – gary chiam
27) Who was the last person you rang?; daddy!
28) Who was your last missed call from?; mummy!
29) What does the oldest message in your inbox say?; too long to type - ridzuan
30) Who comes after J?; Kai Ling
31 to 39 got kidnapped and was thrown to mars for labour work. LOL.
40) Go to your sent messages- see what the 10th message say.; nvm la. Haha! Still got other chances de ma… - Sent to xiuwen.
41) Who is your network provider?; Starhub!
42) How many messages are there in your inbox?; dunno
43) Who do you have on speed dial 3?; nobody
44) If you're using prepaid card, how much credits do they have?; nah.. not using
45) Who is the first person who comes after C?; daniel
46) What do you have as your main ringtone?; bella’s lullaby
47) Pass this quiz to 10 ppl!
1. kenji
2. shawn
3. roslin.
4. edwina.
5. xiuwen
6-10. ANYBODY?!


Tuesday, December 09, 2008 . 11:01 AM



为什么我那么衰? 我看别人的也应该不会是这样吧...
maybe i'm still self-pity-ing myself.. but no choice
i'm a girl afterall..


Tuesday, December 02, 2008 . 12:45 PM

beibei tagged me on dis quiz.. den to kill time.. i did a long long one.. i wonder.. nvm

Three names you go by:
1. chunluan
2. egg
3. quek?? I dunno

Three screen names you have had:
1. cL
2. querido
3. 雀rido

Three parts of your heritage:(?)
1. singapore.
2. chinese
3. dunno… =x .

Three things that scare you:
1. being unwanted
2. creepy crawlies
3. death

Three of your everyday essentials:
1. handphone.
2. earpiece
3. loved ones.

Three things you are wearing now:
1. t-shirt
2. shorts.
3. undergarments?

Three of your favourite songs:
1. bella’s lullaby
2. to love’s end
3. 说好的幸福

Two truths & a lie, in no particular order:
1. I’m sad, really really sad
2. I hate you
3. I miss my close frenz…

Three of your favourite hobbies:
1. listening to music.
2. reading =x
3. being alone

Three things you want to do really badly now:
1. to know the truth
2. never wake up from de nice nice dream
3. crying! I store my tears for many days alr..

Three careers you’re considering/you’ve considered:
1. doctor!
2. accountant
3. assistant

Three places you want to go on vacation to:
1. italy
2. spain
3. japan

Three things you want to do before you die:
1. keep those memories in my mind..
2. to hav my close frenz by my side, having fun n be happy
3. being able to see…

Three things that make you stereotypically a boy:
1. my actions (according to my family ==’’)
2. my facial expression??
3. I dun really like shopping

Three things that make you stereotypically a girl:
1. my thinking
2. my hidden feelings
3. self-conscious.

Three people that you would like see take this quiz too:
1. banana
2. roslin!
3. anybody else??

If you got married to your most best guy friend, would you be happy?;
I dun tink it works now xD

What did you do this afternoon?;

When was the last time you smiled?;
few days ago

Can you use chopsticks?;
yes, should be in de proper way..

Who was the last person you slept next to?;
nobody (:

What do you order from taco bell?;
huh? o.O?

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?;
nah.. ignored me.

Do you remember what you were like a year ago?;
yeah.. a girl without fringe (:

Do you have unlimited texting?;
yeah.. n I used too much.. 2500+ =x

Ever cried because of happiness?;

Anything you're giving up on?;
I wan to! But cant bear ):

Whose pool did you last swim in?;
I duno how to swim ==’’

Are you planning on throwing a party this summer?;
I dun like parties

Which girl's house was the last you spent the night at?;
my own house.

What makes you laugh?;
open wound cant make me laugh.

How was last week?;
eh.. I forgotten.. very bad!

What could you go for right this second?;
to get the truth!

What are your plans for the morning?;
sleep as late as possible.. which I cant..

Do you ever turn off your cellphone?;
yeah.. when I sleep or charge battery

Do you like certain romantic cliches?;
yes. (:

Where is your best friend(s) at this exact moment?;

Do you have a ceiling fan located in your room?;
not ceiling.. is wall fan counted?

What is the worst thing that has happened to you lately?;
goner~ *wound*

What color is your car?;
I hope.. silver =x

What sounds are you currently hearing?;
decode by paramour ): confusing my emotions..

Have you told anybody you loved them today?;
no more..

Do you miss anyone?;
obviously.. =x

Are you growing apart from someone close?;
yes.. n its too obvious for me to neglect.

Where was your default pic taken?;
taken from internet.. =x

Have you ever liked anyone on your top friends?;
yeah once. No more twice

How much are you on the phone daily?;

Are you in a good mood?;
no.. its all de way down

Have you ever been in love?;
should I say?

Do you love your life?;
I do love my life.. but more in the past

Who do you trust with EVERYTHING?;
nobody.. I dun trust ppl easily now.. no more! Haiz..

What will you be doing in 3 hours?;
talking to kim meng n ryan on msn

What were you doing at midnight last night?;

What is your background on your phone?;
new moon bookcover..

Where is your favorite place to shop?;
no where xD I dun like shoppings

What is your favorite thing to wear?;
wide t shirts wif shorts! N slippers =x

Do you think you are a good driver?;
my grandma say I wont be one.. but I hope im one.. in future

Could you go a day without eating?;
uh.. I tink I would hav gastric?

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?;
mr teo ==’’ (tuition…. )

Were you happy when you woke up today?;
NO! not at all.. dun ask me y

Are you ticklish?;

First thing you do when you wake up?;
check phone, brush teeth

What's on your bedroom floor right now?;
books, bags n books!
Ever talked to someone that was drunk?;
once.. scary~~

Do you trust people easily?;

Do any of your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?;
no no no.. no way =x

How many pillows on your bed?;
2. very comfy ^^

Are you single?;
duh! Haha!

Do you have a crush on someone?;
not crush..

Do you hate the last guy you texted?-

When was the last time you took a nap?-
I dun tak nap..

Do you only drink bottled water?-
I drink from cups too… ??

What are you listening to right now?-

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?-
again? Mr teo!

Who was the last person you shared a bed with?-
nobody xD

What's on your mind most today?-
will he reply? Wad will I do at tuition there?

Something that happened today that made you angry?-
not yet..

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?-
telling at appropriate times.. not all is out =x

Do you wear makeup?-

Are you missing someone?-

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?-
I do believe.. but I doubt now? But I still will..

What instant messaging service do you use?-

Would you date/hook up with your brothers best friend?-
only child ==’’

Have you ever had a panic attack?-
wad’s dat? =x

What color is your hair?-

Who was the last person you talked to in person?-

Are you happy or sad right now?-
sad. Disappointed.. n I tink much more.

Is your phone right beside you?- yes

Are you cold?-

What are you looking forward to in the next few months?-
I dunno.. it’ll be hell for me.. I doubt I can take it

First thing you did when you woke up?-
check my phone.

What does your best friend(s) call you?-

Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?-
snow! Its nice..

Who do you call the most?-
Edwina or roslin?

What were you doing 10 hours ago?-

Have you ever fought for the opposite sex?-

Are you that good at math?-
I doubt

Do/did you listen to your parents?-
ya. I daren’t disobey them =x

At what age did you learn to ride a bike?-
I dunno how to ride a bike T_T

What's your favorite holiday?-
I dunno

Ever dyed your hair?-
no. n I hav no intentions to do so.

Love anyone right now ?-
yeah.. family n frenz.

Do you cry a lot?-
de tap jam alr! No tears even though I should be crying now

Are you good at keeping secrets?-
yeah. If I wan

What did you do today?-
nth fruitful

Do you crack your knuckles?-
yeah. Alwaes =x

What kind of tattoos do you want/ have?-
no comments

Do you give special ringtones to certain people?-
no.. but pictures I tink.

Have you talked mean about anyone today?-
nope not yet.

Can you remember your last dream?-
I dowan to rmb.

Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?-
yeah =x

Suppose you see your boyfriend/girlfriend kissing another person, what would you do?-
I’ll cry for days.. even if de tap is stuck. I believe boxes of tissues wont be enough by then.

What is bothering you right now?-
tuition.. n….. I dunno

Can you type over 60 words per minute?-
no.. cannot

Would you be able to date someone who had a kid with someone else?-
I dunno. Not intending?

What will you be doing 5 hours from now?-
tuition T_T

What was the highlight for today?-
tuition T_T

Did you had fun today?-
de day hasn’t start yet

If you were to die in a few hours time, what would you do?-
tak out all stuffs wif memories n review =x


FIRST REAL BEST FRIEND: pri sch fren.. Audrey.
FIRST SCHOOL: dunno which PAP is dat =x
FIRST CELL PHONE: nokia phone
FIRST FUNERAL: ah gong.. k2 christmas. ):
FIRST PET: 2dogs, Johnny n benny =x
FIRST BIG TRIP: korea wif family!
FIRST FIGHT: not yet? I forgotten


LAST CAR RIDE: my aunt.
LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED: house bunny I tink..
LAST SHIRT WORN: green t shirt
LAST THING YOU DRANK: plain water.

like no life alr.. haiz.. such drastic changes…. done de quiz!lunch time!


Thursday, November 20, 2008 . 11:22 AM



Saturday, November 08, 2008 . 8:22 AM

quiz tagged by bei bei ):

1. roslin
14.wendy (heng)
15.jia jun

1. How did you know 14? [wendy]
thru npcc...

2. What would you do if you never meet 1? [roslin]
carry on wif everything. (:

3. What if 9 and 20 date each other? [jelene & mark]
i dun tink they know one another?? o.O?

4. Will 6 and 17 date? [ridzuan & wenjie]
wenjie likes a girl.. i tink? ridzuan i dunno.. hmmm... unless both of them are gays =x

5. Describe 3. [yuqi]
very pretty! hmm... but she scared ppl poke her palm!(hint) de word meatball seems to hav an effect on her.. o.O?

6. Is 8 attractive? [candice]
yeah.. not bad! good catch hor =x

7. Describe 7. [edwina]
yellow banana! my cca "partner"! =x alot of problems huh?... LOLS!

8. Do you know any of 12's family members? [elouis]
NOPE! lols (:

9. What if 18 confess to you? [jingqun]
nah. he wont. 100% SURE! xD

10. What language does 15 speak? [jiajun]
he speaks rojak. sometimes i dun understand either =x

11. Who's going out with 9? [jelene]
i dunno.. her friends i bet. not in contact wif her alr ):

12. How old is 16? [gary]
VERY OLD! actually i dunno.. 17?

13. When did you last speak to 13? [xinmin]
yestrday? i tink so. dun rmb. got stm =x

14. Who's 14's fave singer? [wendy]
hmm... lemme think.. EH! I DUNNO! WENDY!! do u hav one?..

15. Will you ever date 4? [christy]

16. Is 2 attractive? [xiuwen]
ya! of cuz la.. wootwoot

17. What is 10's last name? [jacqueline]
hmmm... her name is jacqueline lee jia wei so last name.. u all can tak from there ba (:

18. School of 3? [yuqi]
chongzheng pri sch, dunman secondary school!!!!

19. Where does 6 live? [ridzuan]
woodlands ==''

20. What is the fave thing of 5? [naveeda]
her sotong-ness =x

21. When is 11's birthday? [bernice]
some where around march?? =x

22. To all of you who have read this post, it’s a MUST to do it. :D

One more quiz;- The person who tagged you to do this quiz is :
--christy lim shin pei.......

-Relationship with her ?

- Most memorable thing she has ever said to you ?
hmm.. if i need her, she 24/7 there for me (:

- If he became your lover , will you ?
nah! she wont wan me ):

- If he really became your lover what must he improve on ?
dis wont happen ==''

- If she became your enemy , you will ..
fend. (: but it wont happen de la..

- How do you think the people around you think about you ?
im hot tempered, no patience, very quiet, alwaes pull a long long face.. i dunno la! grrr

- The characteristic in you that you like?
i'll be kind n nice to de ppl who deserves it ^^
my way of treating ppl varies alot! xD

- The characteristic in you that you hate?
easily jealous.. ): dats scorpio's most intense problem.. haiz!

- Most ideal person you want to be?
being a leader? leading ppl, earning ppl's respect.

- For people who love and care for you , say something to them :
i've nothing to say, i dun express myself easily.. =x

-Pass this quiz on to 10 other people :

- Who is 6 having a relationship with? [sihui]
i dunno

- If 7 and 10 get together , will it be a good thing? [edwina & lilian]
unless both of them wants. but i doubt (:

- What is 2 studying? [roslin]
totally same subjects as me! (:

- What kind of band does 8 like? [bernice]
ask her urself? i hav no idea. LOLS!

- Does 1 have any siblings? [Xiuwen]
yeah. one sis. (:

- Will you woo 3? [kenji]
NO WAY~~~~~~ sky will drop, pig will fly...

-How about 7? [edwina]
i bet she got her own sweetheart.. den dowan me ):

- Is 4 single? [candice]
eh. eh. i dunno. shouldnt be, but I DUNNO! xD

- What's 5 surname? [jelene]

- What's 10's hobby? [li lian]
her fav netball??

- Does 5 and 9 get along well? [jelene & shuting]
do they even know each other? o.O?

- Where is 2 studying at? [roslin]
dunman sec. (:

- Say smth about 1. [xiuwen]
she has got de same trouble as me! (:

- Where does 9 live? [shuting]
near holy trinity there??

- What colour does 4 like? [candice]
honestly, i dunno. i forgotten le =x she's my pri sch fren ): sorry....

- Are 5 and 1 good friends? [jelene & xiuwen]
if.. they know each other mayb they would be frenz? (:

- What is 6 doing now? [si hui]
i dunno.. sleeping??


Monday, October 27, 2008 . 6:59 PM

i dunno why i chose to wander here.
im not feeling good. im feeling bad. things are haywire.
even after de session!
i can be protective n try to understand u.. but u're taking it for granted.. i may be doin dat also.. but hello! im trying my best~ nobody sees this! u all could only say im oversensitive. but do u know wad i meant.
i joined in later than u all.. i dunno wad u all are thinking! if u dun tell me.. i wont know!
im not elastic.. i will snap. anytime...
even now.. u may say u had more stress than i do.. but honestly speaking. I HAD MORE! U ALL DUN UNDERSTAND! i dun like competitions. i dun like all these. i dun like to be in that position! if anybody wants it! take i away from me! i would love it. i dun like to alwaes dig info. i dun like ot be de last person to know everything. it makes me feel like im nobody. im not doing anything. im not impt. im not even there! IM LIKE A TRANSPARENT PERSON!
u all wont know how i feel. i dun like to tell u all my thots. wad u all know from me is juz partially. nobody has know wad im thinking exactly! u all only know de surface. dis shows sth.. i simply hasnt trust a single one of u.
yes.. u may be close to me.. u hav alot of privileges from me.. i can help u for all i can but hello! are u taking it for granted?? some of u may say dat "if u arent meant for this.. u're meant for better stuffs" wad if i tell u i DOWAN! u dunno wad im thinking. nobody knows. nobody deserves my trust at dis point of time.
i hate this. I DUN LIKE!


Friday, September 19, 2008 . 6:01 PM

damn sian... finally decided to come n hav a last post before.. EOY!
i failed 2 subs dis term. it sort of motivates me.. n thanks to U... motivated me for term 3 (:
my results for me..i consider contented, but i shall work harder for my EOY!
el: C5
chi: B4
amaths: F9
emaths: A1
bio: E8
sci: C5
humanities: C6

altho all like borderline but i contented alr. better than my mid year =x lets compare...
el: D7
chi: C5
amaths: D7
emaths: E8
bio: D7
sci: B4
humanities: E8

SO! I SHALL GET MOTIVATED.. n happy la. haha!



Sunday, August 24, 2008 . 10:42 AM

HELLO PPL! im finally back. haha! for a while only. recently felt confused yet happy den come back here n blogged again.

common test is coming up, dun tink i hav much time to blog also le. haiz. but nvm. holsiday is a good time for me to blog ba. dis whole week haven study yet.. die alr lo! bring book home also no use. lols! now damn tired... my stupid medicine.. grr!~

now i noe alr lo. to hav surprises is such as nice feeling. damn sweet sia! my holiday plan...
monday; go out with mama
tuesday; go out with mama AGAIN!
wed; maybe got trng?
thurs; maybe got trng...

why do sec sch pupils hav holiday like no holiday one. den i cant go overseas for so long with my family alr. grrr... WHO IS DE CULPRIT?! ><>
nvm.. nth much to say bcuz after all... i juz wanna vent some feelings on de keyboard ba. den rmb i got a blog. =x.. i wont share my happy stuffs. haha! =x


Friday, June 13, 2008 . 10:32 AM

now.. im really confused. i unno wad is happening.. after wad he asked me. i said there isnt a need cuz i wont feel dat way.. but! his action makes me feel weird. n i dunno. yesterday trng was shit. totally crap. haiz.
keep doing fancy drill only. den tanned until de beret line is super obvious! n very malu lo. =='' mine is de worst case. lols. some ppl say de last paragraph of i itnk de previous post very hiong. but come'on.. when u forced a person to its limit. it'll retaliate same as 狗急跳墙. i believe u noe. 把我逼急了,我真不知道会怎么反抗。this is all i can say n warn u. dun believe come n try. u'll regret.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 . 12:29 PM

seriously.. i really dunno wad to say.
went for lmsc course at prcs.
first day is super boring......
can sleep one.. de lecture given are boring till we all can fall asleep
n we had MOI..
not all went.
so its still ok..
den some ppl went up n teach a certain drill.. n its ort of boring also.
cuz teaching standard drills to sec3s. when we aren't standing beside our fren is boring.
cuz there's nobody to talk to.
den lectures lo. boring until all stand up for lecture. lols.
den lunch. de lunch is really much better than dat time we went hta for pk/hfs course one. this is much nicer. den after dat.. lecture again.
n we played sherades and umm.. planning a games day. dats suck..
seriously! no time or my group to even fill in the relevant stuffs la. stupid.
den after dat can go home alr. haha! not bad huh? bu its boring.
2nd day finally got some life...
altho had a very boring talk for 2hrs plu plus i tink...
we had lunch.. after lunch is games!! hehe.
fun is fun luh..
but.............. SOME ARE NOT FUN!
in fact.. all the games is okok. very common games..
but.. i seriously got no comments for it. lols.
play alr. de poncho fold make me die. so as de number from 1 to 16.
girls' learn to protect themselves.. n dunno who say one..
its a good chance for some boy to 乱乱来.. lols!
den after dat play other games lo...
poncho fold is another one. scare me to death only...
den after dat.. debriefing..
only taking pics n taking contacts..
den go home le.. most probably cant see squad 1 anymore lo.. haiz...
but nvm.. juz rmb can alr (:

but now.. my mind is confused.. dunno if de direction im facing is changing onot..
anyways.. i hate her to the core. go anywhere also de same. infront of ppl act innocen dun lik to join in all this.. but i tink dats wad u wanna do.. attract attention n stuffs. but sorry... there are alwaes obstacles. one day.. think will go haywire till u cant control. for those who read this.. dun ask me who is it. figure out urself or ignore it. if u tink im useless den dun care ab me. i'll work it out myself. i dun need dis type of person leading me arnd.. only makes my life like a waste. i won't waste anytime on this ppl. u wanna play. i won't care abt u. bu if u provokd me.. i can play along wif u.. n dat's when i won't lose or giv in. if u dare.. try it.. i won't guarantee de consquence. it may be sth bad or surprising i dunno. n dun expect me to let u off easily.


Monday, June 02, 2008 . 11:33 AM

i dun really noe wads wrong..
on 29 went for camp until 31.
npcc annual camp basically.
the first day!
all roslin n i does was all shit.
games i super bored down dere....
play with other grps but basically shouting at frederico.
like some split personality girl. so wad la..
de other campers thot i siao
den night still oaky.. fun fun.. my station is fun!! haha
en very long debrief......
with personal attack by sec4s to me. stupid. concern my studies leh.
shit them.
den after dat sleep!!!!
not enough sleep morning woke up get ready for orienteering.
i tink we too tired so very slow..
orienteering stuffs arent at qm so we run all the way back to the store.
quite far de leh!
den get all our stuffs station masters set off later...
together wif shuling, gopi, christy, roslin, ridz n i
den reach there play play a while
get ready lo.
on the way dere, we're complaining abt dat person. hehe shan't say who is it. haha!
den go to our different station n stay there lo. get ready before the grps come.
play games den all proceed to last station.
for all.. i tink my game is de best! got seawater ma. haha!
but i was going thru n fro getting water only. haiz..
last station abit failure.. but still got abit hope lar.. except all their points very low.
den tak bus go back sch!
go back sch de lecture eat into other time until
we hav no choice but to chiong everything.
15mins wash up only!
each also very short.
den ridz n roslin run out of sch to buy padlock.
throw me n christy all alone dealing wif the campfire prep!
stupid. i still fuming hor. dun tink de anger so easily subsides.
but lucky. the campfire still a success BUT WHY MUST IT RAIN!
stupid seh.. make us waste our effort.. n de scouts didnt even participate!
make me shout like hell also no use..
now got sore throat alr. ah!!!
den dunno why.. kamini do 2 baboon make me shout till no voice also busy drinking water..
same for the i ask my love.. i tink 3 times sia.
den after dat rain all go get poncho n go canteen for supper.
after dealing wif that.. rain got smaller so all sleep in tent again.
then we got debriefing..
also very long and de committee was announced!
so shit. i dowan.. i wan my sec2 squad now. ><><
list was dat edwina, chair
ridz n cl, vice chair
roslin, admin
this are de top 3 position.. including kamini discipline officer. haha!
den after dat nth else.. all wanna sleep liaos.. den run to bathe n sleep!
on the way found dat it was drizzling.
but edwina insisted for us to sleep in tent again.
but no choice to juz sleep lo. who tell vice campchief say dat.
den morning woke up do area cleaning n go home.
roughly like dat lar. haha!
i tink dats all for de whole camp.
but i could really feel alot of ppl not happy wif my position n also.....
all those hypocrite congratulations... haiz...


Monday, May 12, 2008 . 11:58 AM

drawn by my tuition fren=='' ON MY WORKSHEET LAR!
den i kean scolded by teacher lamerrrrrrrr
okay... nth much to say..

maybe.. jus dat MY EXAMS ARE ENDING SOON!


tml hehe..

did nth much actually.

today go sch 1hr go back homw again..

dunno wadahell is happening.

cant my teachers jus plan properly??

only 1hr. omg lar.

bt funny for this week...

mon nth

tues: exams n trng

wed: rest! woohoo!



straight after exams all npcc stuffs sia.

haiz.. not to complain lar..

i also noe..

we're taking over the unit soon.

all these are natural..

but...... no mental preparation luh.

i mean.. not so much until its enough to bring me through this.

still hav to rush proposal in the end.

tml mus hand in



i dunno how to fill it in at night n send it to edwina.. haiz..

some dowan go trng..

some dowan go to anything abt npcc.

some dowan this dowan that.. den tell me.

like i wad sia...

complain collector ah??

complain come to me only.

den ask alr.. i first to kena

pro lo. throw it to me.

since.... my blog is dead... i shall complain everything to here

dats'll be better i tink .

i tink hols i'll post more abt my sadness><

except for complains.. this blog holds nth elses...


Thursday, May 08, 2008 . 3:19 PM

wa.. i dunno wad to say liao lar!
everything is so sucky!!
today de e maths test is 2.5hrs!
i was crying. haha.. yawn too much..
until tears all flow out liaos...
den i still dunno how to do.
i tink dis mid year flunk alr lo.. no hope
n there goes my hols also??
de bio paper.. seems easy n familiar to me..
but i dunno how to do..
den juz anyhow tikam tikam..
15mins later sleep.
tried to drag as long as possible but very sian..
den jingyong wanna lay his head on my table..
kena stopped by the teacher xD
not my fault anyways..
is jingyong make everything so obvious..
eric place his legs on the table n sleep.. dats even worse..
except for dat.. nth more alr.
tml the paper is funny..
go sch 1 hr for chem paper only. totally useless..
den go home..
mon n tues also.
only go sch for 1 hr.. wadahell?!
den now got no mood to study for chem..
too tired to carry on studying..
no determination to do it.
anyways, i study le also dunno how to ans during exam..
but still muz do abit of reading lar..
if not really felt hopeless. ):
recently no energy le. haiz...

maybe after exams den i come blog again.. (:


Wednesday, May 07, 2008 . 3:41 PM

Lol. Currently: English, Chinese, a maths, bio, humans [done]
: combined sciences, e maths.. [undone!]

it is just mainly these subs n it needed 4 more days!
Pure sciences tues no nid go sch
den combined all mus go sch. How unfair sia?!
Noe how tired onot..
Summore go only for 1 hr!
Fri 1 paper
Mon 1 paper
Tues 2 paper but also 1 hr~
Wth?! So unfair unfair.
I’d rather tak both papers on same day den not so sian at least.
Complain now also dunno got use onot.
Only noe I too pek chek
I study yest night hold bio book only 2 hrs
Fall asleep alr. Almost drank chicken essence or coffee.
Den dunno why..
Instinctly.. I juz giv up n sleep. Haha
Save more time for my sleeping is
Good for health. Heehee
But I too tired until morning cant wake up.
Chiong like hell.
Still need alarm clock on handphone
N father to wake me up. Haha
Maybe say until here.. go practice e maths. Haha!


Friday, May 02, 2008 . 3:18 PM

wa freaking idiot!~ ss is only 1hr 30mins!
make me chiong like hell.
throughout the whole 1hr 30mins writing non stop.
hand aching.
then english paper i think i out of point lo.
describe! i only take a few sentence to describe. goner!
ss lucky the 4a & b i got study abit still can squeeze a few things out.
the source besed sucks. i really nth to write
totally different from susanti's one
dun tink i do it correctly.
then 2 essays make me panic like hell.
normally practice wrote 1 essay
alr got prob
today still write 2.
lucky my pen pull through the test!
but at least i finished it.
now my worry is mainly on geog, a maths n e maths.
chem, phy n bio hanging no where.. no definite place. haiz.
but my chinese hope it'll improve.
a amths e maths didnt even listen dun tink got high chance..
de geog.. haiz.. totally gone case
dat time got npap den skip last 2 period of wed de..
all geog sia!
tues 1 period geog, fri 1 period geog. only wed 2 period geog..
most things taught on wed den miss it!
but i'd rather miss it. if not i also sleep.
no difference. lols!
this is all. this week.. until 13 or 14 may exam den over i tink?
didnt check properly so....
should be arnd dere. haha!
