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Thursday, November 29, 2007 . 11:34 AM

haiz. came in to blog again.. sian ma. dats y i recently keep on blogging. lols! =x k la back to the topic. lols. sentosa. im supposed to wake up at arnd 8 to pack my stuffs for de trip. in the end.. i overslept. n the over slept is quite bad lar. 9.15am dey all meet at tampines small mac. 9.15 den i wake up. =x but got ppl later than me thoguh. i dunno is who. i was busy eating my bread =x

okay! den when almost everybody came.. we went to de mrt station lo. haiz.. some ppl waited upstair lehs! den kelly blur blur waited downstairs inside de station for us. so poor thing. all alone. den we go up lo. lols. edwima n roslin was waiting at the bedok mrt station. lols! when our train pass bedok, i saw dem lo. but when dey enter, we'll b in different "cabin". so ended up im the only sec2 down dere lo. lols. but i still follow de sec3 girls... sec4s sort of like walking in front lo. hahs! weird hor? come out den got like abit of gaps. hahas. den edwina n roslin followed behind. lol. walked from mrt to vivo den go up to de sentosa place lo. bought tickets n went in to tak de monorail o.O isit??

reached dere! =='' first thing dey did. go to the skyride n luge thingy. lols. dat tym i sat dat wif my mum n aunty.. de skyride thing didnt stop lo. den dunno y.. yesterday de skyride thing will stop one leh. haiz. den everytime it stops.. edwina or roslin either one will scream?? lols. roslin seems so tensed up during de whole ride because its quite high lar. if ur slippers or wad drop. merry xmas. mayb cant find it liaos. hahs! den roslin keep on holding de bar or sumthing to secure her. lols den our seat also very slanted. slant towards edwina's side.. =x because my side nobody sit ma. lols! too bad lo. den dey keep saying edwina heavy. n its very obvious dat de seat is slanted. all of us can feel it. but i juz cant shift ma. summore if i shift.. de thing will shake den roslin will say dun shift. lols! after reaching de above dere.. we took de luge down lo. i wanted to over take roslin but lazy. de route also abit difficult. roslin wanna over tak kai ting also. den kai ting also wanna over tak edwina. siao hor. all thinknig about over taking. but still didnt. hahs! when we reach de last part. got 2 seperate routes. dey all go de same lane only i go different lane. den i 'alight' for de luge much earlier lols.

after that we went to de beach lo. palawan beach to b specific. lols! took the tram from the station n walked a short distance. in the end we took off our slippers n leave our bags dere.. we juz go down de water while the guys play games on shore. den edwina, kaiting n kelly swim to the opposite short lo... =='' (its an enclosed area actually if im not wrong) den dey swim back again. lame hor.. but dey all like very tired. lols! as for roslin n jin jia dey swim around de shallow water lo. i dunno how to swim so playing wif adeline.. >< water ==''

after that rain liaos. so we ended up start to run back into the food court.. rinse slightly for girls den we went in n eat. damn cold inside.. *shivering* air con blowing directly at us. ast first de place edwina, roslin n i sit was okok. but as de rain gets bigger. de ceiling dere start to leak! no choice but to change seat den we sit beside kah hwee, aaron, zhang xiang n dunno who. lols! =x paiseh paiseh. den air con was blowing directly as us lo. make us shiver. actually still can tahan. but ended up.. when our food was taken away by the cleaner. everybody start to shiver le. hahs! den my goosebumps coming up, hairstanding up. den zhang xiang say my hand de hair very fine =='' lame hor. den ltr we went out of de food court den i find it slightly warmer le. =D den we walk here walk dere like aimless souls. =='' no choice but to go to the merlion walk lo. also play water.. dey like water too much i tink. den got de colourful like dragon thing. very long but not continuous de. den dey started playing. cuz roslin n i dowan play so we help dem tak bag lo. dey all hang at roslin's neck until hers is red. so poor thing. den mine still ok. holding 2 bag, carrying my own plus shawn's n edwina's. very little compared to roslin. hahs! den ended up she gave my 1 more bag. den we hold de bag n wlak along wif dem. so fun lo! look only lar. like eyepower.. but it doesnt looks like eyepower bcuz dey r having fun while we're like maids. cannot blame bcuz we dowan play ma. =x finish le walk de merlion pathway. den dey decided to go back to vivo......

we took the monorail back den go to de place where we went before got shallow water for kids to play la. den we overgrown liao still go lo. dis is wad it calls! (young at heart) =x go dere allp lay. but de floor too rough if u run de sole of de feet damn pain! so kaiting, roslin, edwina, felicia n i wore slippers in. but its quite dirty n de slippers will actually spoil lo! but we also heck care =x sumtimes wear sumtimes hold in the hands if we cant tahan. lols! play a while le. all go changei nto dry clothes den eat! we ate at de 'foodrepublic' but de prices seems expensive for me. dat i can go broke =x i rmb i owed edwina moeny i tink is $1.30 lols! muz rmb to return her le. after that we walked outside n took pictures! 2 or 3 shots of a group picture together of de night view. den ended up we stand near de escalator n chat. lols! wu liao hor.. den ended up when its around time.. we headed to de mrt station lo. budden... when zehui was leading. we keep wlaking de wrong way or a longer route. lols! den ended up took de train lo.

on the train when its around 9.15 den i notice i cant go home on time i called my ma, den jun hong keep on saying.. chun luan here got beer leh! wanna drink onot! lucky background too noisy my ma cant hear too clearly den not bother about it. lols! zhangxiang was laughing at me when i talk to my ma lo. lucky gary still got liang xin noe how to say she worried enoguh dun play liaos. lols! =x damn malu leh.... ><><

but dats all for de trip. hahs! (;


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 . 12:15 PM

actually de trip goin vivo.. i got some sort of nth to say de lo. juz write for fun =D haiz.. dunno lehs.

everybody meet at the tampines interchange small mac dere at 2 i tink. den board de same bus as roslin ma. den saw.. aaron, colin n jun hong =='' 3 guys standing n 2 girls sitting behind. lols. roslin n i sitting lo. reach de place only find edwina liaos. wa. her shirt colour is pink but not hot or bright pink type ba.. but it's striking enough. den followed by kai ting lor. lols! we all trying to pull her sleeve down. =x really ma. dunno y we all do dat. for fun mayb. hahs!

then we went to take mrt lo. guys wear abit formal n girls wear quite casually?? lols. den tak mrt lo. lame. they keep saying ming jun n i wear almost like de same =='' orange shirt only ma. =x den ended up jin jia say ppl will tink dat we're twins????? (please lar =x dun look alike)

reached vivo bought movie tickets for the show Enchanted.. lols! (when we came out of the mrt station. edwina stepped on the picture on the enchanted poster on de floor lo. lols!) den still got abit of time so we walk around. den guess wad we bought............ food lo. =='' den ended up we went in longjohns , bought drinks n fries lols! by the time roslin n i bought. its already... time to go in for de show =='' so we no choice but to put de drinks n fries in our bag n 'smuggle' in... isit de right word to use??? dunno la. sth like dis.

got de seat tickets. ==''
sitting order for my row is... zhang xiang, roslin, shawn, me, edwina. den its de first row n very front lo. look up at de screen, my neck feel sort of uncomfortable. lols! de show is like quite comedian?? so at around every point of time we keep laughing. esp edwina chow! ppl stop le she still laugh. den make me laugh also =x den kai ting go n kick my chair lo. >< not i wan de ma =x

but when de show ends.. all go toilet. lols! den all waited outside de dunno wad's dere called.. but can see cable cars to sentosa? hahs! den waited down dere lo. den its yong hong's b'day ma. so all sort of celebrate for him. de guys bought him a present i tink. den cut pieces of cake but only roslin n i eat. bcuz we need go off earlier. =x took a 'group' photo. den some more photos den roslin n i left. lols! walk back on our own n took mrt lo. den alight at bedok mrt n trook bus. sianz lo. but went home also sort of kena scolding. =x suay leh. alwaes de. but i tink is bcuz of me la... 9.30 hav dinner =='' reach home at 8.30. lols. bathe ma.... den how i noe took so long. late le. den my ma wait for me hav dinner wait until pek chek so eat on her own. den when i having my dinner she scolding me lo. haiz......................


Monday, November 26, 2007 . 2:32 PM

lols. long time didnt write blog now forgotten ler...
17-20 nov we went for npcc overseas trip at malaysia, Countryview Recreational Park(CRP).
the 'sleeping' condition down there... i go no comments. bed very comfortable, but the water supply very jia lat! u can bathe half way den expect water supply to be cut off lo. food provided down there are mostly spicy so i really do pity edwina. but pro sia, she still can tahan lo. lols

so early reach sch, bags settled down on the bus there. bring all our snacks n stuffs up the bus. once the bus start to move... sec4s r sleeping(all of dem became temporary pigs lols) sec3s some sleep some awake. sec2s almost all sleep except for ridz n roslin, dey r playing?? i tink so. when we reach the custom all wake up lo. half dead luh. dats de words dat i can use to describe it?? i tink. straight after the malaysia custom... everybody slept. but dunno for how long only. THE BUS BROKE DOWN!!! u wuldn't believe it. it really broke down lo. tyre puncture lo! den ended up everybody go out of the bus n wait lo. for another bus. the first impression given to edwina on dat bus is hor... THE SEAT IS QUITE DIRTY? lol. i laughed lo. the tourguide?? wad talking, then de sec4s all sleep already lo... tsktsktsk. so disrespectful. lols. den ended up left sec3s n 2s sitting down dere. some heck care juz sleep. den some juz force themselves to stay awake until the guide finish talking lo. dats edwina. heehee. roslin n ridz n tink playing. den guide pinpoint ppl to ans his qns lo. i juz happen to see that pic in my geog book den i say lo. but its true leh. lols. unbelievable. i doubt i can rmb my geog stuffs. den im taking geog nxt yr ?!! =x sleep for very long n got alot of 'toilet' break. where alot of us go n buy food lo. dis includes iskandar, ridzuan all those. like very hungry sia. keep on eating n eating n eating. den ended up share all the food. heehees. when we reached the resort, its too late to visit the orphanage lo. den we juz go back n sleep?? no no no. there's still night confident walk. damn fun sia! altho at first im not used to it. they say try not to switch on the torchligt. but at certain point of times confirm need to switch on the. at first nobody switch on sia! near the end when we walk up n down, evrybody switch on liao. u can see its abit bright de lo. got one mushroom dunno wads dat called already but its cute. heehee! damn cute. woo~~~ den climb up n down, kaiting holdroslin hand, roslin hold me hand. either one of us lose balance or wad. roslin will juz squeeze de hand lo. lols. dat method is good to keep me awake. =D de moment we went back to de room. edwina bathed first. [the room consist of roslin, edwina, shu ling, wendy heng n i] unlucky huh? =xxx *hope she didnt see it* lols. but obviously we didnt sleep so early. bcuz shu ling n wendy got alot of thorns on their leg, they juz sleep wif mdm nora dat night. den roslin, edwina, kaiting, kelly, jin jia n i went over to my room den we chat... unbelievable!! we chat until around 2+ but we kept our noise level down wor! den all sleep in the end bcuz kelly was tired. if not we'll b carry on talking. lols.

first activity>>> WHITE WATER RAFTING!!!
damn nice. n shiok. but i was scared. altho got life vest but when my feet cant touch the shore im afraid. =S but i managed it. =D de rapids r nice. woohoo~~~ but most of the time on the raft, i wasn't the 1 who is paddling. lols. im de 1 giving timing?? half way being cut off. lols. den slack lo. when there's rapid. lols. im the first to b prepared. cuz my hands r free. but group members for dat r.... (roslin, edwina, kah hwee, chin yang, zhang xiang, aaron, mr hazmi n me!) 4 by 4 lo. REMINDER!!!when its rafting time, dun sit in front of mr hazmi! when he paddle, his blade hit my elbow, the paddle handle hit my helmet. when i paddle, his leg hinder me. =='' see!!! no no no!!! i buay tahan after one trip of dis. lols. half way thru de *rowing* we stopped... i didnt eat de food. tasted weird for me =x den ended up took a bus ride den carry on. sianzzzzz.... hav to paddle again lo. dis rapid is shiok. lols. de highest or best rapid among de whole journey. den ended up rest le. we row back to the shore. we dis de flip over thingy. lame lo. i pull zhang xiang. didnt even pull lo. den i feeling damn weird after that. from the part... rowwwww back again to another shore. the hav our lunch lols. after having lunch.... go to a lake or whr n use our campcraft skills to tie de bamboos n floats together... to make a bamboo raft. look damn weird. but eheheh!! still steady leh. lols. wlao then de competition thing my group lose lo. all bcuz of ***** ****. some of the ppl who happens to read dis blog shuld noe who is dat. SHE DIDNT EVEN TIE A SINGLE KNOT OR LASHING I BET. altho mine is not good. i tried on 1. cuz im only good at tying knots on spars. lols. or bamboo poles not dat type of thick thick one lar. dat type 1 tie one also will take half a day lo =x nxt tym i'll try to find a easier knot to tie. I TIE SQUARE LASHING NOT TIGHT DE =='' den ended up also need other ppl to help me tie again =x the tug-o-war wif raft sucks~ =x got wendy lose liaox. mayb also bcuz of me. lols. but got edwina n roslin dey didnt lose lehz. haiyo. now i make myself feel like a burden. lols. after last round... all the seniors dive in the pond n swim lo.. lame. but i joined in in the end. altho i dunno how to swim. heehees =x the water is warm. lols. dunno y. BUT ALOT OF ALGAES!! eeee.... but ended up we went back. all of us wash lo. wash up n also wash our cltohes. same routine. edwina go first den followed on wif the other 4 of us. haiz... dinner is also spicy. but the boys eat alot sia. not like us. either no appetite or whatsoever. lols at night. ridzuan's bunk all the guys asking for food to eat sia! in the end i gave mine. hahs!!! no nid bring so many things home. lols! but i doubt they can finish. cuz alot of cereal bars leh =x eat too much mayb puke also can lo =x den got free n easy session... it become a chatting session or a NPCC lecture given by samuel. lols. 1 1/2 hr! hahs. den he sit in front of me. so die die muz open my eyes. altho i really do feel like sleeping. den a talk from samuel bcum a talk from kenji or so?? about their past in npcc life like how CIS treat them lo. abit.... harsh compared to when we were sec1s. lol!!! talk then play. until around 12+ den go back sleep le. lols.

woke up early n went to the (supposedly orphanage) become umm dunno wads dat called. sorry. but its to visit (disabled??)young children or teens arnd our age. but im not sure if dis word is appropriate. ah! nvm la. something like dis. thye performed a something like welcome dance in malay tradition. n we juz do our babboon cheer n peace by the river cheer.. so impromtu can. =x but things turned out fairly well dats wad i can say. hahs! after that we went for cave explaoration... so stupid! wan crawl but scared ltr things will flip so ended up walk 1 big round wif mr jain. he says dat his is white shirt. so he dowan to dirty it =='' i wanna go in n try but also abit cannot. some noe de reason. lols!!! when we came out. we took a bus to dunno where n went to de 4WD adventure!. lols. it actually is fun.. but kelly is cute. tak chin yang as de shield n juz stand behind him. =D DE RAIN DROPLETS ENTER MY EYES DEN I CANT OPEN. den cant open den i kena hit by all the branches lo. argh! but when i got used to it, i didnt get hit le. haha!!! then when we reached de waterfall. i cant enter =( so i juz sit down dere n hav my lunch lo. den watch them play. ended up... the wind kept blowing. so cold can. im shivering the lo. den when roslin, ridzuan, iskandar, kelly come up all shivering den we go the other shelter n sit down dere. quiet but not so cold. then when finishing everybody took a group photo of everybody who went to de malaysia trip lo. im still de front!! ah!! I SEEM SO SHORT DOWN THERE. finished taking the photos den we head back to our 4WD le. taking the trip back to de 'starting' point. ended up also got rain lo. den very blur cant see. all of us go odwn juz kneel down dere lo. when rain get slightly lesser den we all stand up. kelly not feeling well or wad so she carry on sitting. den for ppl of other jeep... [ on their point of view.. it seems like im de only girl lo ==''] but when de jeep do the turning. de bar kept banging my ribcage n my elbow. lol! lucky i got wear life vest. got more cushion. lols!!! den we changed down dere lo. we let de boys change first because they all canchange together. while girls cannot. hah! but they change also quite slow de la. den girls got lesser ppl ma. so we took longer time. because one by one. den we found kittens sia! so cute. but edwina was abit afraid of it. lols! den ended up she went out first. hah! then we went for a 1 hr shopping wif no uses.... =='' because we cannot bring food dat we bought outside in or food dat we've bought from their store. lame hor. but its like dis. so ended up we juz stand down dere n talk lo. wif my ice-cream in my hand eating. den kelly bought alot of snacks lo. heehee. at night went over to her bunk.. talking n eating =D then de dinner wise is alwaes de same. lols!! no difference boys eat more lo. at night we were palying. den mdm nora say 10.30 lights off but alot fo us heck care la. play until 11 den mr jain came. wlao he come only all siam liaos. den ended up all of us were being forced to sleep so early. actually almost everybody planned to play overnight den nxt day sleep at de bus sia. but effort was wasted so no difference. haiz. sleep lo. arnd 3AM mr hazmi, mdm nora all wake us up. den gather at the teacher chalet down dere. siao de lo. pump us down dere sia! THE PLACE DAT IM STANDING IS FULL OF SHARP STONES. but mayb some is more jia lat than me la. at first do go quite down de lo. slowly slowly anyhow. bend abit can le. lols! den ended up, near the end i was already trembling. dunno y also. juz felt cold. so idiot... but dis wake up call is effective for us sia~ some blame it on wendy heng some juz take it quietly. altho i got blame a little but somehow de blame cant only b on 1 peson to hav to many negative effect coming out la. so i juz tak it somehow. but i complained =D

20 Nov (last day!) ):
quite saddening luh. lols! but we had paintball. ALL BCUZ OF THE BREAKFAST... my stomach is pain lo. den 2 rounds of paintball i only played de first round. also lose. lol! MY PAINTBALL "GUN" CANNOT EVEN SHOOT LO. dunno y =x den kah hwee help me in the end both of us kena shoot den go out. ridzuan also. lol ridz is suppose to protect felicia while i protect kah hwee but seems like de 2 sec2 r not good for dis. lols! den ended up half way i went back to de bunk lo. stay there together wif kelly n wendy heng den wendy leong go back again. haiz. den when dey came back from the paintball. THE WATER SUPPLY HAVEN COME BACK YET! really lo. boys room hav water supply den got warm water n de water is big lo. girls leh. my room for instance... sometimes got water sometimes no water de. den ended up we use water bottle de water n bathe lo. den we try to minimise de water usage because still got ppl wanna bathe. lols! lame hor. damn idiot sia de water there. den de basin outside of our room de water very big also lo. morning we go there brush our teeth then the other sch go over for breakfast den look at us brushing ur teeth lo. lame sia!!! =='' ended up go on the bus. hav to sitwif other ppl like sec2 sit wif either sec3 or 4 den cannot sit wif their own cliques or whatsoever lo. ended up, roslin sit wif zhang xiang, edwina sit wif yong hong den i sit wif aaron. but ltr dey wanna play cards den i sit wif edwina again lo. but roslin is either sitting wif zehui or zhang xiang. haha! when roslin sleep. she almost fall on zehui sia. but she didnt la. =x den ended up playing family game =='' den sec4s go up say out their reflection lo. gary chiam say something den he cried leh =x den all de seniors also cried in the end. jin jia also cried leh! so emo until i almost also =x but we're not in such a deep relationship wif dem so still not dat cham.

lols! but overall the trip was fun and when we knew dat mr jain n mdm nora r leaving soon. it really was sad. there's nth we can do so we juz look lo. for de sec2s. but the guide was good la. haahaa!!! except dat we alwaes like to sleep when he's talking =x but some of us also didnt do dat luh~ its juz... i dunno how to say. den whenwe reached dunman outside there. say le bye bye... edwina n i went over to her father's car den we went home le. didnt even say thank you to de sec4s la. lols. but i believe dere's alwaes other times =D went home le thinking back... de trip was fun n it is de memories dat will bring a few of us crying??

wad i wanted to say is dat [beautiful/ wonderful memories are meant to be kept but not meant to trap u in the past. live life to the fullest n remember it. =D] proud of myself to b able to think of this leh =x dun laugh at me ah!! but dats all for my m'sia trips. whoa long~~ i dounbt ppl will read dis. dey will sian diao lo! haha! dats de purpose of dis?? no la. its juz being written to dat i'll rmb dis forever? mayb. hahas! best friends forever! hope dat'll come true!