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Tuesday, November 21, 2006 . 4:48 PM

wahHhhh... so scared of matchsticks! heh heh.. i lighted de hurricane lamp!! OMG! im shock dat i dare to touch de matchstick and light de lamp! shocking.. ( 'o' ) haiz.. i shouldn't regulate de wick until so high seh! produce sooo much soot.. den let kenji and zehui + felicia go use hand and put de soot on our face! so stupid i left and right cheeks seh! 1 side C.. 1 side L=.= almost get it on forehead seh! lucky kenji sae can put on cheeks.. [ cheecks better den forehead =.=] christy 1 very po0r ting nose, forehead and cheeks seh! soo poor ting.. i reallie pity u. roslin oso 1 more.. from mushroom bcome umbrella =X but umbrella better den mushroom leh! BUT! strawberry nicer.. cute cute de (: wlao. go wash de face hilary so fast can wash off de ting lor. so small.. i hate 'ABC' A on haziah face.. B dun hav.. C on my cheeks!!!!!! omg =.= so dirty.. i go hme faster go wash off.. its lyk so oily lor.. ended up left 2 more exception cadets dun hav tings on their face! no fair ): but its over (: but de toilet no tissue=.= dey go use dirty towel if im not rong.. but christy, roslin and me was lyk runnign into de squad wif our face wet. den when we go in de AVT de air-con blowing at me den my face was lyk soo cold! my shirt oso abit wet den oso quite cold! i was half slp-ing in de orienteering talko.O copy until my hand lyk freezing den so stiff.. but lots of cold sweat=X den when we break into small groups.i was not lyk practising lar.. i was lyk tokin wif kite.. and onli asking shawn how to set map=.= but when de theory test cum.. i rite out all CRAP! waste of my tym seh.. onli de lamp lighting i reallie try my best but i reallie wish i can do it rite.. wish i did well for those to.. worse is got count marks in campcraft test.. i scared i 4get wad r de functions of de knots seh! how to tie i not so scared.. i scared ltr go dere.. i forget everyting.. mind went blank den i reallie in dead meat.. i reallie wish to pass my campcraft seh.. sry arh.. 2dae's entry in on npcc cuz no sch tings.. nth to reallie sae except npcc training..

~[> hols are sumtyms boring ; <]~

~[> hols is sumtyms boring ; <]~

Saturday, November 18, 2006 . 5:05 PM

wonder wad happen! so stupid!he nids help den ask me go help talk to me nicely! after dat den everyting forget! i tink i goin crazy liaox.. 1 dae cum here blog 2 tyms ('~') sumting muz be rong... so stupid lor.. den after helping him.. not even a ty.. n juz walk away! wlao.. hate him to de core.... KITE u sumtyms oso quite wad.. ask u qns.. den u kip tokin to xiu wen oso ignore my qns =.= hate dis type of feelings! argh! reallie wondering y im feeling so vexed.. when last tym i was not lyk dis.. ahHh!!!!!!!!!

~[>LeaVe miiE alonE<]~
hiie hiie.. came back n put 1 more post again..umm... i tink my mo0d is back.. gotten over de 2E tingy..no more sad tings.. mo0d is lyk on de way coming back.. but not totally.. still having mo0dy thoughts.. on dat dae to _______ met "her".. hav a chat.. and mo0ds changes drastically.. weird!i also cant remember wad happen exactly.. haiz.. shuld bury all the unhappy! cuz now hols.. any sad tings.. bring it back when sch reopens.. sad tings cum 2gether and happy tings.. GO ON!(:i tink de blog song reallie influence me.. cuz b4 i came in mo0d abit happy.. heard dis song and typing de post.. my mo0d getting from bad to worse=P

hmm... candice juz wanna tell u dat.. i tink i reallie cant go to de gathering.. SORRY! i tink dere wuld b more cuming up.. and i may be able to attend in future(:

haiz.. de campcraft test in Dec.... abit worried.. altho i noe how to tie.. but i duno wad r de functions.. i mean i noe.. but not all.. scared ltr fail=X I DUNWAN TO FAIL MY CAMPCRAFT TEST LAR... my best is onli campcraft drills 1/2=.= commands.. can ask me go die.. onli campcraft i tink im beta at... muz pratice more.. n wish dat dere is no bad news from our squad.. muz jiayous liaox..

BUT.. i tink i oso hav to buck up on my academic lo.. i dun tink i did well.. -obviously not.. if not will get dis type of result meh? Muz strive harder and work harder to go in to a beta class in sec3!... dun wan to b kite'S nxt generation in sec3 again.. if i reallie in her generation again.. i tink my mother will kill me and peel of my skin =X 2E nag at me.. den i nag to de blog n sum of de ppl... imagine my sec3.. haiz.. no matter wad.. nxt yr less maple.. more studies.. muz do dat liaox.. haha nid ppl guard me=X or else confirm 4get all these tings.. heh heh.....

~[>To Be Continued<]~

Thursday, November 16, 2006 . 7:01 PM

haiz.. came back again.. duno wad happen to me 2dae leh.. feeling bored.. after my tuition =.= first tym lyk dis.. cuz everytym when i tink dat my tuition is gonna finish i was so excited and happie..but duno y 2dae hav to dis type of feeling.. it seems to be gone in my heart.. wad happen? i hav lots of question mark on my head.. :'( feeling down... oso duno y

haiz.. yest when back to sch and saw dat i was in 2E.. mayb sum of u may tink dat i was naggy cuz i got tell sum of u.. but it was quite shock n sad 4 me lar.. i onli noe 2 gals!?! sad neh.. haiz... duno how ler.. den got my family members n tuition cher nagging @ me... trying to make a story to tell me tuition cher how it goes.. but since she didnt ask.. i oso cant be bothered to dig a hole 4 myself.. haiz.. naw, i oredy get over de sad dat i was in 2E but i still duno y i was still so sad leh.. i reallie wonder hu can bring me mo0d up.. ): kaiting.. sorry.... i was actually lyk sort of venting de sad or anger on u [2E] SORRY!! :'( reallie sorry u wun blame me ritex?

stupid npcc.. juz bcuz got ppl dye or spray thier hair into light brown or duno wad color.. we got 10 pumping.. =.= still ' one for all, all for one' i doubt not... but juz bcuz "kite" step on de banner.. sec2 squad owes him 11 pumping? i thot normally is lyk 5, 10, 15 or 20??? how cum got 11 de.. so weird =x haiz.. mo0d goes down.. wad i rite oso weird weird de.. how i wish got sumbody can appear n make me happie... went for de recruitment preparation.. n was lyk hearing ppl sae tings bout our sch..=.= make de "kite" lyk so scared.. den edwina n me oso affected.. even go toilet oso abit scared! after lunch we was lyk tying knots=.= to prepare for de 15 Dec campcraft test..dotz...... still quite long but revise earlier oso gud (:

feeling sad is 1 ting.. but i still hav to carry on.. quite tough.. i tink i shuld try to change my mo0d or i tink i would suffer..mayb hear de song too lnog oso affect my mo0d =X [ sry tokin of crap bgan]

Sunday, November 12, 2006 . 11:46 AM

sihui, i noe de blog is dead.. dats y im lyk trying to rite more tings lar.. cant u c i change de skin n put i more long update? ya.. ya... ty 4 ur tags=.= trying to prevent my tagboard from being dead? k tks.. n hor.. i reallie got nth to update.. 2dae i type dis is 4 fun.. so u'll see lots of crap.. :) feeling very bored now.. so i came in to type sumting.. but i dun tink i can rite long entries.. as i nvr did b4 =P last tym dat entry is de longest entry i hav written.. but dat dae very relax.. 2dae my family is eating sushi (: not frm restaurant.. but we do it our ownselves =.= wonder wad it will taste lyk hahax.. lo0king forward to it.. n i'm gonna stop here.. hahax.. no more tings to rite.. n no more crap (:

Friday, November 10, 2006 . 12:49 PM

haiz.. bored leh.. came in to update cum i came in to relink some of my frenz =P quite shun bian.. real bored... y hols lyk dis de.. no difference.. still hav to go sch unlyk pri sch tyms.. ): miss my pri sch seh.. but i lucky.. everydae can see my pri sch (: dis is 1 gud ting dat not alot of ppl hav.. (: wah.. hand pain.. leg muscle cramp.. haiz.. do drills until pain.. how m i goin to go thru de sec2 training? o.O wah.. muz reallie tolerate liaox.. n i forgotten de sizing o.O isit???? haiz.. nvm rong, rong liaox.. giv up.. so many long drills names to rmb n yet dey sae dat it is short?!?! got animore longer ones? i now cant b bothered to rmb liaox.. juz b on my own hols mood.. [ edwina u ok mah? y didnt go training? heard hilary sae u not feeling gud.. wish u get well soon worx.. christy giv hui yu mdm her bbt le.. now left me :'( i dun wanna giv.. haiz.. shuldn't bet wif her.. obviously is we lose de =.= haiz.. feeling reallie bored le.. so i tok more n more crap to fill up de space.. is dis de longest entry i hav written? let candice de PRO come sae lo.. =X ] different part different colour.. juz invented dis colour code (:
orange: pri sch
blue: sec sch
pruple: feelings
black: all

hmm.. quite happie (: